Thursday, November 25, 2010

First generation

I was so excited to work on this print when i got the art work. This was my favorite poster art for the movie (it's not the one usually seen). When i started working on the design i noticed it was high resolution and large but this was an oil painting, so there's not much detail, very splotchy brush strokes.

This is another shirt from my collection, it's already been washed over 20 times when i took this pic.
I don't think i'm going to use the flash when taking pics anymore, it washes out all the light colors but you can see more detail in the darkened areas. You can actually see the black ink on a black ground using the flash when taking a picture.
This print is a 10 color index including an underbase, printed wet on wet (flash curing the underbase) from darkest to lightest color with the black printed last.
i added black ink even tho it was printed on a black shirt. I find that with designs like this, the black adds more depth and helps give more tones and detail to the print.

Here's a close up of the print, one picture taken without a flash and the other with. 
You can see the detail in the darkened areas better in the pic using the flash.

The image resolution for the index sep on this was done at 180ppi. we used all 280 yellow mesh and a 200 for the underbase. Halftone dot pattern for the underbase is 55lpi at 21 degrees.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Board of index

This shirt has been worn and washed 20+ times already, we printed this design many months ago and i just took the pictures today. Still trying to figure out the best settings and lighting with this camera i have. I tried a many different settings, here's 3 decent ones .

This was a 10 color Index print including underbase, printed wet on wet, flash curing after the underbase only. Print color sequence was darkest to lightest with Black last.

closer view of the index printed wet on wet

Here's a close ups of the index print, you can see a slight stippled effect.
here you can even see the grain of the shirt